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白書 ジャンコクトー White Paper by Jean Cocteau First Edition The Macaulay Company New York 1958 Gay literature 入手困難 レア古書

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Published by The Macaulay Company, New York, 1958白書は、ジャン・コクトーによる1928年のフランスの小説です。これは、コクトーの人生についての半自伝的小説であり、名前のない主人公が男性とセックスし、男性同士がセックスするのを見ることで性的アイデンテ
Published by The Macaulay Company, New York, 1958


The White Paper (FrenchLe Livre blanc, alternatively The White Book) is a 1928 French novel by Jean Cocteau. It is a pederastic semi-autobiographical novel about Cocteau's life, and centers on an unnamed protagonist developing his sexual identity by having sex with men and watching men have sex with each other. Cocteau never placed his name on the book, but he provided illustrations for some of its editions.

Technically this book is by “Anonymous,” with only the preface and illustrations by Jean Cocteau, but in the preface, he confesses the truth of its authorship. And yet, because homosexuality was taboo in the United States and illegal in Great Britain in 1958, he opts against having his name above the title. It is the story of a young man whose strong attraction to members of the same sex leads him into a public bath house. 
“One’s salvation cannot possibly be achieved in Paris; the soul is too distracted.”
--Jean Cocteau



