RAYMOND PETTIBON, “Pages Which Contain The Truth Are Blank” 2003 1st PB Edition 海外 即決

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<60cm : 740円
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<140cm : 1610円
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商品名 RAYMOND PETTIBON, “Pages Which Contain The Truth Are Blank” 2003 1st PB Edition(RAYMOND PETTIBON, “Pages Which Contain The Truth Are Blank” 2003 1st PB Edition) 商品画像一覧 商品説明 ※アメリカの現地出品者により作成されたため、英語のまま掲載いたして

RAYMOND PETTIBON, “Pages Which Contain The Truth Are Blank” 2003 1st PB Edition
(RAYMOND PETTIBON, “Pages Which Contain The Truth Are Blank” 2003 1st PB Edition)



RAYMOND PETTIBON, “Pages Which Contain The Truth Are Blank” 2003 1st PB Edition

RAYMOND PETTIBON, “Pages Which Contain The Truth Are Blank” 2003 1st PB Edition

RAYMOND PETTIBON, “Pages Which Contain The Truth Are Blank” 2003 1st PB Edition

RAYMOND PETTIBON, “Pages Which Contain The Truth Are Blank” 2003 1st PB Edition

RAYMOND PETTIBON, “Pages Which Contain The Truth Are Blank” 2003 1st PB Edition


This brilliant Raymond Pettibon book is the true 20003 first edition, and it is in as-new condition. —— Same-day shipping on orders received before noon, we pride ourselves on our 100% positive feedback, so please browse our wide selection of excellent, rare, and out of print, exceptional art books. —— “One hundred thirty-six drawings and paintings of Raymond Pettibon, one of the most famous and interesting artists in North America. Pettibon&apos;s drawings pitilessly critique contemporary culture, using the aesthetic traditions of comic, pop-art and popular culture. His primary theme is the failure of the 1960s subculture to resist authority and shake up the world. The philosophy behind Pettibon’s work is that the murder of Sharon Tate by the Manson cult and the Altamont killing mark the collapse of the highflying hopes and demands of the generation of 1968. His work, full of frightening images, speaks openly of the continuing despair and disgust of a generation. Pettibon is a striking example of an underground artist who now represents of so-called high culture.”
